Our law firm has significant experience in defending cases before the General Court of the EU, the Court of Justice of the EU and the former Civil Service Tribunal, where it has represented natural and legal persons, the Hellenic Republic and EU agencies in more than 60 cases:
1. EU Staff Cases
F-14/08: Action for annulment of the Opinion of an Invalidity Committee and the Decision of the Director of Personnel of an EU Institution.
F-63/13: Action for annulment – Action for damages following the unlawful termination of an agent’s contract by an EU Agency.
F-112/13: Action for annulment of an EU Agency’s unlawful decision to terminate an agent’s contract.
F-75/14: Action for annulment of a joint undertaking’s unlawful acts and omissions in regard with the applicant’s staff report -Amicable settlement of the dispute.
Τ-581/16: Action for annulment – Action for damages following the defendant’s decisions regarding an appointment in an EU body.
Τ-277/19: Action for annulment of the rejection decisions of the Αppointing Αuthority of an EU Agency.
T-634/19: Action for annulment – Action for damages following an EU Agency’s rejection decisions (pending).
T-148/20: Action for annulment – Action for damages following an EU Agency’s rejection decisions (pending).
T-159/20: Action for annulment – Action for damages following an EU Agency’s implied rejection decision (pending).
2. State Aid
Τ-415/05, Τ-416/05 and T-423/05: Actions for annulment of an EU Institution’s decision regarding the recovery of illegal State aid.
C-419/06: Action for failure of a Member State to fulfill its obligations in regard to the withdrawal and recovery of illegal State aids.
C-485/10: Action for failure of a Member State to fulfill its obligations in regard to the recovery of illegal State aids.
C-100/16 P: Appeal against the Judgment T-233/11 and T-262/11 by which the General Court dismissed an action for annulment of an EU Institution’s decision regarding the recovery of illegal State aid.
3. Public Procurement
C-399/05: Action for failure of a Member State to fulfill its obligations during the procurement procedures of entities operating in the water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors because of the admission of the tenders of two companies, which did not meet the conditions of the notice to tender in the final phase of the tender procedure.
C-250/07: Action for failure of a Member State to fulfill its obligations during the procurement procedures of entities operating in the water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors by not publishing a prior call for competition and by being unjustifiably late in replying to a tenderer’s request for information.
T-638/11: Action for annulment of an EU Agency’s decisions rejecting the tender submitted by the applicant and refusing to grant access to certain documents in the context of an open tender procedure.
Τ-40/12 and Τ-183/12: Action for annulment – Action for damages following an EU Agency’s decisions rejecting the tender submitted by the applicants in a tender procedure.
Τ-158/12: Action for annulment – Action for damages following an EU Agency’s decision to classify the applicant’s tender in second place in the context of an open tender procedure.
Τ-165/12: Action for annulment of an EU Institution’s decision rejecting the tender submitted by the applicants in a restricted tender procedure.
Τ-51/13: Action for damages seeking compensation for damage suffered by the applicant as a result of the loss of the opportunity to be awarded a framework agreement in a call for tenders of an EU body.
Τ-392/15: Action for annulment of an EU Agency’s decision ranking the tenders submitted by the applicants in the context of a call for tenders.
4. Actions for damages as a result of OLAF’s unlawful behavior
Τ-259/03: Action for damages seeking compensation for damage suffered by the applicant as a result of unlawful behavior in the context of an investigation.
Τ-617/17: Action for damages seeking compensation for damage suffered by the applicant as a result of unlawful behavior in the context of an investigation.
T-384/20: Action for damages seeking compensation for damage suffered by the applicant as a result of unlawful behavior in the context of an investigation (pending).
5. Actions for damages as a result of the unlawful behavior of EU Institutions, Bodies and Agencies
F-30/08: Action for damages seeking compensation for damage suffered by the applicant as a result of an EU Institution’s unlawful behavior in the management of the applicant’s situation and career.
Τ-241/09: Action for damages seeking compensation for damage suffered by the applicant as a result of an EU Institution’s unlawful behavior in the context of an internal investigation.
Τ-40/12 and Τ-183/12: Action for annulment – Action for damages following an EU Agency’s decisions rejecting the tender submitted by the applicants in a tender procedure.
T-59/12: Action for damages seeking the repayment by an EU Institution of advanced sums in connection with the implementation of an EU Framework Programme for research and development and compensation for damage suffered by the applicant due to a breach of professional confidentiality committed by said Institution.
Τ-158/12: Action for annulment – Action for damages following an EU Agency’s decision to classify the applicant’s tender in second place in the context of an open tender procedure.
Τ-297/12: Action for damages seeking compensation for the damage suffered due to an EU Institution’s disclosure to third parties of certain information concerning an administrative investigation in respect of the applicant and the latter’s personnel recruitment policy.
Τ-51/13: Action for damages seeking compensation for damage suffered by the applicant as a result of the loss of the opportunity to be awarded a framework agreement in a call for tenders of an EU body.
F-63/13: Action for annulment – Action for damages following the unlawful termination of an agent’s contract by an EU Agency.
F-29/15: Action for damages following a joint undertaking’s unlawful acts during the appraisal procedure of the applicant – Amicable settlement of the dispute.
Τ-581/16: Action for annulment – Action for damages following the defendant’s decisions regarding an appointment in an EU body.
T-634/19: Action for annulment – Action for damages following an EU Agency’s rejection decisions (pending).
T-148/20: Action for annulment – Action for damages following an EU Agency’s rejection decisions (pending).
T-159/20: Action for annulment – Action for damages following an EU Agency’s implied rejection decision (pending).
Τ-765/14: Action for damages following an EU Institution’s unlawful actions, which caused the impairment of the applicants’ bank deposits or, in any case, contributed to it (pending).
Τ-495/14: Action for damages following an EU Institution’s unlawful actions, which caused the impairment of the applicants’ bank deposits or, in any case, contributed to it (pending).
Τ-496/14: Action for damages following an EU Institution’s unlawful actions, which caused the impairment of the applicants’ bank deposits or, in any case, contributed to it (pending).
6. Actions based on an arbitration clause regarding the eligibility, payment or reimbursement of costs in the context of contracts concluded with the EU
Τ-448/04: Action brought by an EU Institution against a Greek civil law company and against the members of said company seeking the reimbursement of the sums paid in the context of contracts concluded between them – Lack of competence of the General Court to rule on the action in so far as it is brought against the members of the company, given that they are not considered as a Contracting Party to the contracts in question.
Τ-449/04: Action brought by an EU Institution against a Greek civil law company and against the members of said company seeking the reimbursement of the sums paid in the context of contracts concluded between them – Lack of competence of the General Court to rule on the action in so far as it is brought against the members of the company, given that they are not considered as a Contracting Party to the contracts in question
Τ-44/06: Action brought by an EU Institution against a limited liability company and against the members of said company seeking the reimbursement of the sums paid in advance in the context of a contract concluded between the EU Institution and the defendant – Lack of competence of the General Court to rule on the action in so far as it is brought against the members of the company, given that they are not considered as a Contracting Party to the contract in question.
T-59/11: Action seeking to declare unfounded an EU Institution’s application for reimbursement of grants paid to the applicant under contracts concluded in the context of European programmes, while also seeking the payment of the final balance of grants by said Institution.
T-59/12: Action seeking an order that an EU Institution repay to the applicant the sums advanced in connection with the implementation of an EU Framework Programme and seeking compensation for damage suffered due to a breach of professional confidentiality committed by said Institution.
Τ-117/12: Action seeking, first, a declaration that an EU Institution’s decision to suspend reimbursement of the sums paid by the applicant in the context of the implementation of an EU Framework Programme constitutes a breach by said Institution of its contractual obligations and, secondly, an order that the EU Institution pay the applicant a certain sum, while the applicant is not required to reimburse any further sum to the Institution.
Τ-118/12: Action seeking a declaration that an EU Institution’s decision to suspend reimbursement of the sums paid by the applicant in the context of the implementation of an EU Framework Programme constitutes a breach by said Institution of its contractual obligations and an order that the EU Institution pay the applicant a certain sum.
Τ-489/12: Action regarding the eligibility of declared costs in the context of a EU Framework Programme.
T-17/13: Action seeking a declaration, first, that the applicant is not obliged to repay the whole sum paid to him/her by an EU Institution in the context of the implementation of an EU Framework Programme, secondly, that the applicant is not required to pay flat-rate compensation and, thirdly, that said Institution is not entitled to set off the amounts that it owes to the applicant.
Τ-64/13: Action seeking a declaration, first, that the applicant is not obliged to repay the whole sum paid to him/her by an EU Institution in the context of the implementation of an EU Framework Programme and, secondly, that the applicant is not required to pay flat-rate compensation.
Τ-154/14: Αction seeking a declaration that an EU Institution’s demand for reimbursement of the subsidies paid to the applicant in the context of an EU Framework Programme is unfounded and an order for the abovementioned Institution to pay the balance of the unpaid subsidies.
Τ-155/14: Αction seeking a declaration that an EU Institution’s demand for reimbursement of the subsidies paid to the applicant in the context of an EU Framework Programme is unfounded and an order for the abovementioned Institution to pay the balance of the unpaid subsidies.
T-165/14: Action seeking, firstly, a declaration that the suspension of the reimbursement of part of the sums paid to the applicant in the context of an EU Framework Programme constitutes a breach of the contractual obligations of an EU Institution, secondly, that the abovementioned sums constitute eligible costs, which must be reimbursed to the applicant and, thirdly, that the total amount already paid to the applicant constitutes an eligible cost, which does not have to be reimbursed to the EU Institution.
Τ-768/14: Αction seeking a declaration that an EU Institution’s demand for reimbursement of an amount paid to the applicant in the context of an EU Framework Programme is unfounded.
Τ-771/14: Αction seeking a declaration that an EU Institution’s demand for reimbursement of an amount paid to the applicant in the context of an EU Framework Programme is unfounded.
Τ-270/15: Αction regarding the compliance of an EU Agency with certain contractual provisions in relation to the suspension of reimbursement in the context of an EU Framework Programme.
Τ-348/16: Action regarding the eligibility of declared costs and the offsetting procedure, which took place in the context of an EU Framework Programme (and T-348/16 OP: Application to set aside the default Judgment T-348/16).
Τ-166/17: Action regarding the eligibility of declared costs and the recovery of sums advanced in the context of an EU Framework Programme.
Τ-177/17: Action regarding the eligibility of declared costs and the recovery of sums advanced in the context of an EU Framework Programme (pending).
Τ-189/17: Action regarding the eligibility of declared costs and the recovery of sums advanced in the context of an EU Framework Programme (pending).
Τ-190/17: Action regarding the eligibility of declared costs and the recovery of sums advanced in the context of an EU Framework Programme (pending).
Τ-198/17: Action regarding the eligibility of declared costs and the recovery of sums advanced in the context of an EU Framework Programme.
Τ-408/18: Action regarding the eligibility of declared costs in the context of an EU Programme.
7. Early Warning System (EWS) / Early Detection and Exclusion System (EDES)
Τ-320/09: Action for annulment of decisions to list the applicant in the EWS and to activate a ‘W1a’ warning and, subsequently, a ‘W1b’ warning.
Τ-207/16: Action for annulment of an EU Institution’s decisions to exclude the applicant from tender procedures and to register the applicant and activate the exclusion warning against the applicant in the Early Warning System (EWS) or in the Early Detection and Exclusion System (EDES)
Τ-537/18: Action for annulment – action for damages following an EU Institution’s decision to impose on the applicant a two-year exclusion from tender procedures (pending).
8. Access to documents
Τ-29/18: Action for annulment of an implied decision of an EU Institution rejecting the applicant’s application requesting access to certain documents.
T-638/11: Action for annulment of an EU Agency’s decisions rejecting the tender submitted by the applicant and refusing to grant access to certain documents in the context of an open tender procedure.
9. Preliminary questions
C-212/04: Preliminary questions regarding the interpretation of certain clauses of a European legislative act concerning the framework agreement on fixed-term work.
10. Freedom of establishment
C-61/08: Action for failure of a Member State to fulfill its obligations because of certain restrictions imposed on the access to a professional activity.
11. Non-compliance with a judgment of the Court
C-369/07: Action for failure of a Member State to fulfill its obligations by not complying to a judgment of the Court.
12. Interim measures
C-78/14 P-R: Application to suspend the application of the judgment under appeal (T-117/12: Action seeking, first, a declaration that an EU Institution’s decision to suspend reimbursement of the sums paid by the applicant in the context of the implementation of a European Programme constitutes a breach by said Institution of its contractual obligations and, secondly, an order that the EU Institution pay the applicant a certain sum, while the applicant is not required to reimburse any further sum to the Institution) pending delivery of the judgment on appeal.
Τ-207/16 R: Application seeking a stay of execution of the contested decisions of an EU Institution in case T-207/16 (exclusion from tender procedures, registration and activation of the exclusion warning in the EWS or in the EDES).
T‑348/16 OP-R: Application seeking a stay of execution of the default judgment Τ-348/16 (Action regarding the eligibility of declared costs and the offsetting procedure which took place in the context of an EU Framework Programme)
13. Garnishee order on an EU Institution
C-2/15 SA: Application for leave to serve a garnishee order on an EU Institution for the amount due by said Institution following a Judgment of the General Court.
14. Appeals
T-308/10 P: Appeal brought against the judgment in Case F‑30/08, which ordered an EU institution to pay a certain sum in respect of damage suffered by the applicant at first instance as a result of an EU Institution’s unlawful behavior.
C-314/11 P: Appeal brought against the order in Case T-320/09, which dismissed the plea of inadmissibility raised by an EU Institution against an action for annulment of decisions to list the applicant in the EWS and to activate a ‘W1a’ warning and, subsequently, a ‘W1b’ warning.
C-220/13 P: Appeal brought against the judgment in Case T-241/09, which dismissed an action for damages seeking compensation for damage suffered by the applicant at first instance, as a result of an EU Institution’s unlawful behavior in the context of an internal investigation.
C-564/13 P: Appeal brought against the order in Case T-489/12, which dismissed as inadmissible an action regarding the eligibility of declared costs in the context of an EU Framework Programme.
T-689/14 P: Appeal brought against the judgment in Case F-63/13, which annulled a decision of an EU Agency following the unlawful termination of an agent’s contract and ordered said EU Agency to pay a certain sum in respect of damage suffered by the applicant at first instance.
C-78/14 P: Appeal brought against the order in Case T-117/12, which ordered an EU Institution to pay to the applicant at first instance certain sums, plus interest, the payment of which had been suspended.
C-173/14 P: Appeal brought against the judgment in Case T-158/12, which dismissed an action for annulment – action for damages following an EU Agency’s decision to classify the applicant’s tender in second place in the context of an open tender procedure.
C-100/16 P: Appeal brought against the judgment in Case T-233/11 and T-262/11, which dismissed an action for annulment against a decision of an EU’s Institution in respect of the recovery of unlawful state aid.
C-6/17 P: Appeal brought against the judgment in Case T-154/14, which declared as founded an EU Institution’s demand for reimbursement of the subsidies paid to the applicant at first instance in the context of an EU Framework Programme given that these sums correspond to non-eligible costs.
C-7/17 P: Appeal brought against the judgment in Case T-155/14, which declared as founded an EU Institution’s demand for reimbursement of the subsidies paid to the applicant at first instance in the context of an EU Framework Programme given that these sums correspond to non-eligible costs.
C-172/17 P: Appeal brought against the judgment in Case T-768/14, which declared as founded an EU Institution’s demand for reimbursement of an amount paid to the applicant at first instance in the context of an EU Framework Programme given that these sums correspond to non-eligible costs.
C-173/17 P: Appeal brought against the judgment in Case T-771/14, which declared as founded an EU Institution’s demand for reimbursement of an amount paid to the applicant at first instance in the context of an EU Framework Programme given that these sums correspond to non-eligible costs.
C-273/19 P: Appeal brought against the judgment in Case T-166/17, which partially dismissed an action regarding the eligibility of declared costs and the recovery of sums advanced in the context of an EU Framework Programme.
C-274/19 P: Appeal brought against the judgment in Case T-198/17, which dismissed an action regarding the eligibility of declared costs and the recovery of sums advanced in the context of an EU Framework Programme.
C-280/19 P: Appeal brought against the judgment in Case T-348/16 OP, which declared as unfounded most of the part of an EU Institution’s demand for reimbursement of the subsidies paid to the applicant given that these sums correspond to eligible costs.
Our law firm has also defended cases before the European Court of Human Rights:
⦁ AFFAIRE KOKKINAKIS c. GRÈCE (Requête no 14307/88)
Our law firm has extensive experience in defending cases before national courts and administrative authorities (Hellenic Competition Commission).
Professor Dr. V. Christianos:
- “Commentary on article 42 of the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Union,” in Le Regole del Processo dinanzi al Giudice dell’Unione Europea, ed. Scientifica, 2017, pp. 202-205. (translation from the original version in Italian): “Commento sull’articolo 42 dello Statuto della Corte di Giustizia dell’Unione Europea” in Le Regole del Processo dinanzi al Giudice dell’Unione Europea, Editoriale Scientifica, 2017)
- “The Treaty of Lisbon and the new rules on the functioning of the European Union,” Nomiko Vima, vol. 57, 2009, pp. 818-825 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “The preliminary ruling procedure and the role of the lawyer,” Revue annuelle des avocats au Conseil d’Etat et à la Cour de Cassation, 2009, pp. 169-186 (translation from the original version in French)
- “The European Community and the procedural harmonization,” Nomiko Vima, vol. 54 (2006), Athens, 2007, pp. 1667-1680 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “The mechanism of procedural harmonization in the European Union,” Revue des Affaires Européennes/Law & European Affairs, 2007-2008/3, pp. 589-600 (translation from the original version in French)
- “The Comparative Law in the development of CJEC’s case-law,” in Le rôle du droit comparé dans l’avènement du Droit Européen, Institut du Droit Comparé (The role of comparative law in the development of European Law), Institute of Comparative Law, Lausanne – Zurich 2002, p. 129 et seq. (translation from the original version in French)
- “Controversial competences of the CJEC in the proceedings for a preliminary ruling,” Elliniki Epitheorisi Europaikou Dikaiou, Sept. 2001, pp. 569-578 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “Enforcement of the ECJ and CFI judgments,” Elliniki Dikaiosini, vol. 39, 1998, pp. 276-281 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “Reflections on the possibilities to develop collective cross-border action in the internal market,” in Actions collectives transfrontières des organisations des consommateurs – Droit international et du marché intérieur, ed. Bernd Stauder, vol. 4, Zürich, 1997, pp. 203-211 (translation from the original version in French)
- “The Community law for interim measures,” in Dikanikoi Dialogoi II- The efficiency of interim measures, Athens 1995, pp. 190-211 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “The advisory role of the Court of Justice in light of the Treaty on European Union,” Revue du Marché Commun, 1994, pp. 37-44 (translation from the original version in French)
- “Τhe admissibility of group actions before the ECJ,” in Group actions and consumer protection, ed. Story-Scientia, 1992, pp. 218-237 (translation from the original version in French)
- “The recent modifications of the Rules of Procedure of the ECJ,” Recueil Dalloz-Sirey, 1991, Chronique, pp. 273-282 (in collaboration with Professor F. Picod) – (translation from the original version in French)
- “Inadmissibility of third-party proceedings against a judgment for failure to fulfil obligations: procedural specificity or mode of regulation of constitutional litigation?”, Recueil Dalloz-Sirey, 1990, Jur., pp. 382-385 (translation from the original version in French)
- “The Court of First Instance and the New Judicial Organization of the European Communities,” in Le Tribunal de Première Instance des CE (The Court of First Instance of the EC), ed. IΕΑΡ, 1990, pp. 15-50 (translation from the original original version in French)
- “The European Parliament’s locus standi in the proceedings for a preliminary ruling,” Eur.Koin., 1989, pp. 145-153 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “The European Parliament’s procedural status in an intervention brought before the ECJ,” in To Evropaiko Koinovoulio – Provlimata, pragmatopoiiseis, prooptikes (The European parliament – Problems, implementations, prospects), preface D. Eurigeni – ed. P. Stagkou, Thessaloniki/Athens, 1984, pp. 31-48 (translation from the original version in Greek)