Professor Dr. V. Christianos
- “Trading within the EU: a historical review”, in Honorary Volume of Professor Georgios Michalopoulos, Nomiki Vivliothiki, 2023, pp. 197-203 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “Νational funding authorities as decentralised guardians of the EU treaties” (in collaboration with M. Rodopoulos), Dikaio Epixeiriseon kai Etairion, 2023, no. 3, pp. 299- 310 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “Inobservation de l’obligation de renvoi préjudiciel: quelques réponses de l’ordre juridique hellénique” in Le droit européen, source de droits, source du droit, Mélanges en l’honneur de Vassilios Skouris, 2022, ed. mare & martin, pp. 127-136
- “Praefatio – The comparative method contributes to the development of EU procedural law”, Lex&Forum, 2022, no. 4, pp. 773-775 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “The doctrine of E.U. Law: Homogeneity or heterogeneity?”, in the Honorary Volume of Professor Kalliopis (Kellis) Mpourdara, ed. Ant. N. Sakkoulas, 2021, pp. 1267-1274 (translation from the original version in Greek
- “Greece – General introduction to the judicial system” (updated on April 2nd, 2020), in Comparative Law, fascicule 10, LexisNexis, 2020, pp. 1-16 (translation from the original version in French)
- “State aid in extreme situations of public health crisis” (in collaboration with M. Rodopoulos), Dikaio Epixeiriseon kai Etairion, 2020, no. 6, pp. 642-656 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “Contractual relationship between a Greek University, Google and Facebook regarding the promotion of online courses – Application of Law 4412/2016 and Directive 2014/24/EU” (Legal Opinion), Dikaio Epixeiriseon kai Etairion, 2020, no. 1, pp. 18-26 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “Developments in European Union Law” legal journal of the European Association of young lawyers of Athens, De Jure, 2020, no. 24, pp. 12-13 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “Conditions for the provision of leasing services in Greece by a foreign financial institution” (legal opinion), Dikaio Epixeiriseon kai Etairion, 2020, no. 11, pp. 1249-1253 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “Introduction to European Union Law” (in collaboration with R.-E. Papadopoulou and M. Perakis), 2nd edition, Nomiki Vivliothiki, 2020, p. 384 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “State aid law” (in collaboration with M. Rodopoulos), Nomiki Vivliothiki, 2020, p. 640 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- Contribution to the Collective Publication: Commentary on the TFEU, articles 263-266, ed. Springer Publishing (Heidelberg, Germany) – (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “Public Procurement – Commentary article by article of Laws 4412/2016 and 4413/2016,” (reviewed by V. Christianos, Th. Panagos), ed. Sakkoula, Athens-Thessaloniki, 2018, p. 857 (translation from the original original version in Greek)
- “The withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union: Legal Issues,” Dikaio Epixeiriseon kai Etairion, 2017, pp. 10-16 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “Commentary on article 42 of the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Union,” in Le Regole del Processo dinanzi al Giudice dell’Unione Europea, ed. Scientifica, 2017, pp. 202-205 (translation from the original version in Italian: “Commento sull’articolo 42 dello Statuto della Corte di Giustizia dell’Unione Europea” in Le Regole del Processo dinanzi al Giudice dell’Unione Europea, Editoriale Scientifica, 2017)
- “The multifaceted legal culture in the European Union and judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union,” in Ioannis K. Karakostas – Filias kai mathiteias charin, ed. Nomiki Vivliothiki, 2017, pp. 1615-1622 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “State aid issues in the implementation of privatizations,” in To oikonomiko dikaio tin epohi tis krisis (Economic law during the financial crisis)– 1st Conference of EMEOD, Nomiki Vivliothiki, 2017, pp. 163-177 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “The consistency of the case-law of the EU,” in Etairia Nomikon Voriou Ellados – 30 Year Anniversary Volume (1987-2017), ed. Sakkoula, 2017, pp. 147-150
- “Congress for the 50-year anniversary of the CEDECE – The reversals of the CJEU’s case-law: a sign of wisdom in the discontinuity,” Hellenic Review of European Law, 2016, pp. 1-4 (translation from the original version in French)
- “‘Soft law’ in European Union Law,” Hellenic Review of European Law, 2014, no. 1, pp. 123-127 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “Wisdom through discontinuity – The CJEU reversing itself,” Hellenic Review of European Law, December 2013, pp. 13-32
- “Consequences of the failure to comply with the obligation to refer a preliminary ruling: Responses from the Greek legal order,” in L’obligation de renvoi préjudiciel à la Cour de Justice (The obligation to make a reference for preliminary ruling to the Court of Justice), ed. Bruylant, Paris, 2013, pp. 227-237 (translation from the original version in French)
- “The diversity of the European legal culture and decision-making within the Court of Justice of the European Union,” in La Cour de Justice et la Construction de l’Europe – Analyses et Perspectives de Soixante Ans de Jurisprudence (The Court of Justice and the Construction of Europe – Analyses and Perspectives on Sixty Years of Case Law), ed. Springer/Curia, Luxembourg, 2013, pp. 561-567 (translation from the original version in French)
- “Soft law in the European Union: Effectiveness and Efficiency through European Courts – The Court of Justice of the European Union,” in Collection de la SIPE, vol. 7, ed. Α.Ν. Sakkoulas, Bruylant, Nomos Verlag, June 2011, pp. 325-330
- “Introduction to European Union Law,” ed. Nomiki Vivliothiki, 2011, pp. 246 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “Overview of Insolvency in Greecei,” in European Insolvency Regulations – Application of the European Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings, ed. Thomson Reuters/Aranzadi, Madrid, 2010, pp. 201-224
- “A necessary reversal: the judgment Aventis Pasteur, Directive (EEC) 85/374 and the balance between the principles of security and effectiveness,” La Semaine Juridique, ed. Générale, 2010, No 9-10, pp. 485-489 (translation from the original version in French)
- “The lawyer and the fight against money laundering,” in Honorary Volume of Professor Μ. Stathopoulos, ed. Αnt. Ν. Sakkoulas, 2010, pp. 3023-3038 (translation from the original version in French)
- “Developments in actions for failure to fulfil obligations in the European Union,” ed. Nomiki Vivliothiki, 2010, p. 240 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “The preliminary ruling procedure and the role of the lawyer,” Revue annuelle des avocats au Conseil d’Etat et à la Cour de Cassation, 2009, pp. 169-186 (translation from the original version in French)
- “The lawyer and the prohibition of money laundering,” Nomiko Vima, no. 56, 2009, pp. 2038-2050 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “State aid in light of the financial crisis,” European Politeia, no. 1, 2009, pp. 23-42 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “Fundamental issues of environmental liability under Directive 2004/35/EC,” in I prostasia tou perivallontos sto dikaio kai stin praxi (Environmental protection in law and in action), 2008, pp. 59-69 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “Application of Community Law in Greece,” Chapter 4, in Introduction to Greek Law, ed. Konstantinos D. Kerameus, Phaedon J. Kozyris, Third Revised Edition, ed. Kluwer Law International BV, The Netherlands, 2008, pp. 65-77
- “European answers to 21st century environmental challenges,” in European Politeia, no. 3, 2008, pp. 593-597 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “The mechanism of procedural harmonization in the European Union,” Revue des Affaires Européennes/Law & European Affairs, 2007-2008/3, pp. 589-600 (translation from the original version in French)
- “Consumer’s protection in the European Community – A social policy with ‘collateral damages’,” in Koinotiko Dikaio & Emporiko Dikaio, 16th Panhellenic Conference of the Federation of the commercial Greek lawyers, ed. Nomiki Vivliothiki, 2007, pp. 181-191 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “Collective redundancies. Comment on ECJ judgment of 15-2-07 (C-270/05),” Deltio Ergatikis Nomothesias, vol. 63, no. 1493, 16 May 2007, pp. 594-595 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “Towards a common Food Law in the European Union,” in Honorary Volume of Professor Emeritus Ms. Pelagia Gesiou-Faltsi, ed. Ant. N. Sakkoulas, 2006, pp. 129-140 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “The role of commercial arbitration in the judicial system of the European Community,” in Genethlion of Apostolos S. Georgiadis, ed. Ant. N. Sakkoulas, 2006, pp. 2077-2098 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “The dynamics of the judge – legislator relationship in the European Community,” ed. Ant. N. Sakkoulas, Athens, 2005, p. 270 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “The effective judicial protection of culture in EC law,” in Problèmes d’interprétation à la mémoire de C. N. Kakouris, ed. Ant. N. Sakkoulas – Bruylant, 2004, pp. 21 et seq.
- “Juridical Encyclopedia on Community Law,” ed. Dalloz, V° Consommateurs (in collaboration with Professor F. Picod – published in 2003) – (translation from the original version in French)
- “Cultural Factors in the Decision making of the CJEC in the light of the upcoming enlargement,” in Festschrift für K. BEYS, Athens, 2003, p. 171 et seq.
- “Investor’s protection as a consumer in Community Law,” Elliniki Dikaiosini, 2002, pp. 1558–1568 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “The Comparative Law in the development of CJEC’s case-law,” in Le rôle du droit comparé dans l’avènement du Droit Européen, Institut du Droit Comparé (The role of comparative law in the development of European Law), Institute of Comparative Law, Lausanne – Zurich 2002, p. 129 et seq. (translation from the original version in French)
- “The jurisprudential acquis,” Revue des affaires européennes, 2001-2002, no. 8, p. 978 et seq. (translation from the original version in French)
- “Enforcement of the ECJ and CFI judgments,” Elliniki Dikaiosini, vol. 39, 1998, pp. 276-281 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “Reversals of ECJ case law,” ed. Ant. N. Sakkoulas, Athens, 1998, p. 248 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “The access to justice of consumers in the European Community”, in Vers un code européen de la consummation (Towards a European Consumer Code), ed. Filali Osman, Bruylant, Brussels, 1998, pp. 265-285. (translation from the original version in French)
- “Community Law in the field of Consumer Protection,” ed. Ant. N. Sakkoulas, Athens, 1997, p. 180 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “Reflections on the possibilities to develop collective cross-border action in the internal market,” in Actions collectives transfrontières des organisations des consommateurs – Droit international et du marché intérieur, ed. Prof. Bernd Stauder, vol. 4, Zürich, 1997, pp. 203-211 (translation from the original version in French)
- “Fundamental characteristics of the hellenic Law No 2251/94 and Community Consumer law,” in Law and diffuse interests in the European Legal Order, Liber amicorum Norbert Reich, Nomos, 1997, pp. 357-371 (translation from the original version in French)
- “ECJ’s contribution to the implementation of environmental policy – The case of group actions,” Nomos kai Fisi, 1995, pp. 27-41 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “The advisory role of the Court of Justice in light of the Treaty on European Union,” Revue du Marché Commun, 1994, pp. 37-44 (translation from the original version in French)
- “Τhe admissibility of group actions before the ECJ,” in Group actions and consumer protection, ed. Story-Scientia, 1992, pp. 218-237 (translation from the original version in French)
- “The recent modifications of the Rules of Procedure of the ECJ,” Recueil Dalloz-Sirey, 1991, Chronique, pp. 273-282 (in collaboration with Professor F. Picod) – (translation from the original version in French)
- “The Hellenic jurisdiction faced with the primacy of EC law,” Revue française de droit administratif, 1991, pp. 969-972 (translation from the original version in French)
- “Inadmissibility of third-party proceedings against a judgment for failure to fulfil obligations: procedural specificity or mode of regulation of constitutional litigation?”, Recueil Dalloz-Sirey, 1990, Jur., pp. 382-385 (translation from the original version in French)
- “The Court of First Instance and the New Judicial Organisation of the European Communities,” in Le Tribunal de Première Instance des CE (The Court of First Instance of the EC), ed. IΕΑΡ, 1990, pp. 15-50 (translation from the original original version in French)
- “The obligation to inform in the sale of movable property,” PhD, preface Ph. Malaurie, ed. StoryScientia, Brussels, 1987 (translation from the original version in French)
- “The European Parliament’s procedural status in an intervention brought before the ECJ”, in To Evropaiko Koinovoulio – Provlimata, pragmatopoiiseis, prooptikes (The European parliament – Problems, implementations, prospects), preface D. Eurigeni – ed. P. Stagkou, Thessaloniki/Athens, 1984, pp. 31-48 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “Free movement of medical professionals under EEC law,” ed. Sakkoula, Athens, 1982 (translation from the original version in Greek)
Alexandros Politis, LLM
- “Τhe dual legal status of the European Commission in grant agreements in the sector of Research and Development” (in collaboration with A. Skoulikis), Efarmoges Dimosiou Dikaiou, Nomiki Vivliothiki, 1/2016, pp. 73-82 (Comment on case C-78/14 P, Commission v ANKO) – (translation from the original version in Greek)
Georgia Kelepouri, LLM
- Remarks on the joined cases C-202/18 and C-238/18 (Suspension from office of Governor of National Central Bank), Evropaiko Dikaio, no. 3/2019, pp. 326-329 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “Recent CJEU’s judicial trends on the principle of res judicata: leeway for judicial activism?”, Hellenic Review of European Law, International Edition, 2019, pp. 185-197
- “Revisiting the rule of law in European context: the CJEU’s recent narrative in the limelight,” European Politeia, 2018, pp. 71- 105
- “Recent ECJ’s Trends on the Review of National Procedural Rules: A Story with Split Narratives in the Process of European Integration?”, European Politeia, no. 1-2 (2017), pp. 171-193
Michail Rodopoulos, LLM
- “State Aid in extreme situations of public health crisis” (in collaboration with V. Christianos), Dikaio Epixeiriseon kai Etairion, 2020, no. 6, pp. 642-656 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “State aid law” (in collaboration with V. Christianos), Nomiki Vivliothiki, 2020, p. 640 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “Market economy operator principle,” Annotation on ECJ C-579/16 P, Commission/FIH Holding and FIH Erhvervsbank, 06.03.2018, Hellenic Review of European Law, 3/2018, pp. 391-397 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “The reduction of judges ́ renumeration due to budgetary austerity measures in the context of the CFREU,” Annotation on ECJ C-64/16, Associação Sindical dos Juízes Portugueses, 27.02.2018, Hellenic Review of European Law, 2/2018, pp. 246-254 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “State aid measures via the General Block Exemption Regulation and undertakings in difficulty,” Annotation on ECJ C-245/16, Nerea, 06.07.2017, Hellenic Review of European Law, 1/2018, pp. 88-97 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “Recovery of illegal and incompatible state aid granted to an enterprise charged with SGEI,” Annotation on ECJ C-63/14, Commission/France, 09.07.2015, Hellenic Review of European Law, 3/2015, pp. 346-351 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “A Typus as an appropriate legal tool for the interpretation of the no bail-out clause: The private investor principle” (in collaboration with Pantazatou), in European Politeia (debt crisis) 2/2015, EPLO, pp. 365-401
- “State aid Guide for Public Services,” reviewed by E. Mouameletzi, ed. KDEOD, 2013 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “Non-contractual liability of a Member State for violation of EU law,” Annotation on ECJ C-420/11, Leth, 14.03.2013, Hellenic Review of European Law, 2/2013, pp. 204-212 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “Recognition of professional qualifications pursuant to Directive 2005/36/EC,” Annotation on ECJ C-575/11, Nasiopoulos, 27.10.2013, Hellenic Review of European Law, 3/2013, pp. 353-359 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “Judicial protection against OLAF’s Acts: In search of effectiveness” (in collaboration with Pantazatou), in Hellenic Review of European Law, annual edition 2013 (in English), pp. 133-153
- “Searching for the limits of Judge’s freedom of expression,” Liberal Sociability, 2012 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “Commentary on the Treaty of EU and the TFEU (Articles 140-144, 310-325),” reviewed by V. Christianos, Nomiki Vivliothiki, 2012 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “State aid for Services of General Economic Interest,” ed. Ant. N. Sakkoulas, 2011, p. 212 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “On the interpretation of Article 86 of the Constitution,” Scientific group of Aristovoulos Manesis, 2011 (translation from the original version in Greek)