Both the law firm and Professor Dr. V. Christianos are particularly experienced in consumer protection law, with numerous legal expert opinions, amongst others, on consumer banking services.
Our firm’s field of expertise mainly focuses on EU Consumer Protection law, as it has been shaped via a series of EU Directives.
Our law firm has extensive experience in handling cases of compensation in the event of denied boarding, cancellation or long delay of flights by air carriers and also in handling claims for compensation and complaints in relation to sea, road and rail transport, owing to route delays, luggage loss, injuries and unfair practices.
Relevant expert legal opinions:
- Examination of the compatibility of the guarantee policy of a company in the light of national and EU law (2014)
Prof. Dr. V. Christianos:
- “Community Law in the field of Consumer Protection,” ed. Ant. N. Sakkoula, Athens, 1997, p. 180 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “Investor’s protection as a consumer in Community Law,” Elliniki Dikaiosini, 2002, pp. 1558–1568 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “Juridical Encyclopedia on Community Law,” ed. Dalloz, V° Consommateurs (in collaboration with Professor F. Picod – published in 2003) – (translation from the original version in French)
- “Consumer’s protection in the European Community – A social policy with ‘collateral damages’,” in Koinotiko Dikaio & Emporiko Dikaio, 16th Panhellenic Conference of the Federation of the commercial Greek lawyers, ed. Nomiki Vivliothiki, 2007, pp. 181-191 (translation from the original version in Greek)
- “Τhe admissibility of group actions before the ECJ,” in Group actions and consumer protection, ed. Story-Scientia, 1992, pp. 218-237 (translation from the original version in French)
- “Fundamental characteristics of the hellenic Law No 2251/94 and Community Consumer law,” in Law and diffuse interests in the European Legal Order, Liber amicorum Norbert Reich, Nomos, 1997, pp. 357-371 (translation from the original version in French)
- “Reflections on the possibilities to develop collective cross-border action in the internal market,” in Actions collectives transfrontières des organisations des consommateurs – Droit international et du marché intérieur, ed. Prof. Bernd Stauder, vol. 4, Zürich, 1997, pp. 203-211 (translation from the original version in French)
- “The access to justice of consumers in the European Community,” in Vers un code européen de la consummation (Towards a European Consumer Code), ed. Filali Osman, Bruylant, Brussels, 1998, pp. 265-285. (translation from the original version in French)