EU law in the field of employment and social security is both rich and complicated and covers a wide area of issues, ranging from issues of employment, equality, social security, working conditions, rights of employees, etc.
Our law firm has a broad experience in handling cases relating to the enforcement of the national and EU labour and social security law (e.g. collective redundancies and fixed-term work contracts) and has successfully handled EU labour law cases before the supreme national courts (e.g. judgment 1522/08 of the Supreme Court) and before the Court of Justice of the European Union (Case C-212/04, Adeneler e.a.). Moreover, Professor Dr. V. Christianos has published numerous legal expert opinions on issues of EU labour and social security law. In fact, Case C-212/04 Adeneler and Others v Commission is the first case in which the Court of Justice of the European Union has ruled on Greek fixed-term employment contracts.
Relevant expert legal opinions:
- Discrimination on the basis of the age of retirement (2009)
- Compatibility of imposing the special levy on income of Article 18 of Law 3758/2009 with EU law, regarding the European Parliament employees and the EU employees in general (2009)
- Comment on the case C-559/07 of the Court of Justice of the European Union on the national political and military pension systems and comparative study with regard to other member states regulation (2009)
- Collective redundancies and European Union Law (2006)
- Safeguard of pension rights of Bank employees (2005)
Prof. Dr. V. Christianos:
- “Collective redundancies. Comment on ECJ judgment of 15-2-07 (C-270/05),” Deltio Ergatikis Nomothesias, vol. 63, no. 1493, 16 May 2007, pp. 594-595 (translation from the original version in Greek)