The rules that govern EU funding and grants by the general budget of the EU are very complex. These rules include the financial and implementing regulation of the EU and numerous specific regulations.

Our firm has large experience in the handling of cases of EU funding and grants of the European Commission and its executive agencies.

Additionally, our law firm has represented natural and legal persons before the Court of Justice and the General Court of the EU with regard to cases involving EU funding and EU grants. Indicatively: Cases Τ-448/04, Τ-449/14, Τ-59/11, Τ-489/12, Τ-59/12, C-564/13 P, Τ-117/12, Τ-118/12, C-78/14 P, T-154/14 and T-155/14, T-270/15, C-6/17 P and C-7/17 P, T-348/16, T-348/16 OP, T-166/17.


A. Politis, LLM:

  • Τhe dual legal status of the European Commission in grant agreements in the sector of Research and Development” (in collaboration with A. Skoulikis), Efarmoges Dimosiou Dikaiou, Nomiki Vivliothiki, 1/2016, pp. 73-82 (Comment on case C-78/14 P, Commission v ANKO) – (translation from the original version in Greek)