The field of public procurement with regard to works, services and supply contracts, is dominated by the regulation of EU directives and the relevant EU case-law, along with the provisions of the national law and the case law that has emerged from the national courts and the Greek Council of State.
Our firm follows closely the developments in the field of public procurement, in which it holds a tradition with counselling activity on issues of public contracts.
We advise our clients on all of the stages of implementation of a public contract. From the selection of the appropriate procedure at the preliminary stage, to the amicable resolution of any issues at the execution stage and, finally, to the revision/modification or termination of a contract. In addition to the out-of-court and legal representation of contracting authorities as well as contractors (e.g. before the Authority for the Examination of Preliminary Appeals), we undertake, through substantiated expert legal opinions, the resolution of complex legal issues, which often arise in the ever-evolving field of public procurement.
Our firm has extensive experience in defending public procurement cases before the Court of Justice, where it has successfully represented the Hellenic Republic (Cases C-399/05, C-250/07) and also in submitting or dealing with complaints before the European Commission.
Relevant expert legal opinions:
- Procurement procedure for the award of legal services of a company in the defence sector (2018)
- Award procedures to be followed by a natural gas supplier (2017)
- Exclusive rights attributed to a contracting entity in the special sectors and public procurement procedures (2016)
- Procurement procedure for the award of legal services under Law 4281/2014 (2015)
- Competences of EAADHSY in relation to the negotiated procedure (2013)
- Concept of supplementary and unforeseen works within the meaning of presidential decree no. 59/2007 (2013)
- Compatibility with EU law of compensatory benefits in the defence sector (2011)
- Compatibility with EU law with regard to the addition of a subcontractor following the signing of a contract (2011)
- Revision of a draft contract before the Hellenic Court of Auditors (2011)
- Compatibility with EU law of a contract notice in relation to the use of financial and technical capacity of third parties (2011)
- Conflict of interests and award procedures in the special sectors (2010)
- Concession contract of port installations and EU public procurement law (2009)
- Public Procurement in Energy Law (2008)
- Participation of financial operators by using the technical capabilities of other entities under Article 54 (6) of Directive 2004/17/EC (2007)
- Replacement of supplier/subcontractor during the execution of a public works contract (2007)
- Interpretation of Article 40 (3) (c) of Directive 2004/17/EC and negotiated procedure (2006)
- Amendments of Public Procurement Contracts after their conclusion (2005)
- Public Procurement and European Union Provisions of Public Order (in collaboration with Professor K. Kerameus) (2003)
Prof. Dr. V. Christianos:
- “Public Procurement – Commentary article by article of Laws 4412/2016 and 4413/2016,” (reviewed by V. Christianos, Th. Panagos), ed. Sakkoula, Athens-Thessaloniki, 2018, p. 857 (translation from the original original version in Greek)